Once you are approved you will have access to our:

Parent & trusted adult orientation

Kidz Can passport

Building life skills with Life Coaching
Each youth enters the program with a “Trusted Adult” that they know and who helps them apply for the program. Once accepted we provide Life Coaching and reflective activities that allow an application of what is being taught. These lessons go with them for the rest of their lives.
We pay for youth to go to places in the “Kidz Can Passport” that gives them each real time, hands on learning with principles that are to help them overcome adverse childhood experiences known as ACE’s. We use local activities like those below for families to choose from and help them plan their Positive Childhood Experiences.
Some locations require an application to participate. Below you will find which activities ask for appliciations. Following the link and fill them out before will save you time.

PAC Jiu-Jitsu Participant Application at walk-in

ARTitorium No Application To Participate

Zoo No Application To Participate

Gravity Factory Participant Application Here

Flight Museum No Application To Participate

East Idaho Aquarium No Application To Participate
Get Started in 3 Easy Steps

apply here
Participants need to have guardianship of the youth they apply for and be in the age range of 2-17 years old. The youth applying must be one that has been working through Adverse Childhood Experience(s).

We will conduct a short online interview and review your application. Next we set up an orientation to help answer questions about the program and help you get registered.

Learn, Plan, & Grow
Once you are registered, you will receive your activity book and your Kidz Can Passport for places to go! Life Coaching will help establish A Child-Parent-Relationship Plan. The goal is to provide positive interactions to help families.
Advocating, Teaching, & Listening.

Huge Commiunity

Be Good and Make Good Choices

Positive Interactions
Bringing familes a new perspective!

Speaking Up
Advocating for parents, siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles, speaking up to share victims burdens.

Trusted Adults
We support and train adults to become “Trusted Adults” for youth in their lives.
24/7 Live Chat
National Hotline for Mental Health Crisis and Suicide Prevention